Our Offer
Groups and interviews of varying lengths with different numbers of people: productive,
cost-effective and revealing when done well. There is nothing like a good conversation.
Participant observation: We get out and watch and listen to people doing things. Sometimes
you've just got to be there.
Co-discovery interviews: we observe and film people, then playback for narration; the
best way to understand behaviour, from the subject's POV.
Ethnography: we've teamed up with leading ethnographic researchers EverydayLives to offer filmed
ethnographic methods and 'hybrid' approaches, including the revolutionary new EthOS app.
International: we have an established network of independent research companies, Intersearch, across Europe
and beyond so we can deliver results quickly and cost-effectively.
Deliberative research and other kinds of workshops or facilitation: deliberative techniques to understand
complex areas, internal workshops and facilitation also offered.
Recruitment-only and studio: Propeller Field offers accurate and personable qualitative research
recruitment. Propeller Studio uses broadcast-quality cameras to film groups.
Visioning: a method of interviewing which delves deeper to find out how products, brands and communications are
stored in the unconscious.
Perfect Pitch: tailor-made, high quality advertising or design pitch research for agencies, with a success fee.
You win, we win.