Wardle McLean  - International research network
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27 July 2024
Wardle McLeanInternational


Our brains naturally look for differences between things. Clients of international research usually want to find commonalities across countries, respecting local nuances. It's a careful balancing act, meaning you need good international research partners, local experts you know and trust.

We are founder members of an international network of independent research experts, Intersearch, the expert network.

There are currently 22 companies in 18 countries, covering both qualitative and quantitative methods. We meet every year to share experiences and to devise new methods.

Intersearch members:

  • Australia - Storyville
  • Austria - Karmasin
  • Belgium - Questions and Answers
  • Bulgaria - Market Links
  • Czech Republic - Median
  • France - Gatard et Associés and Market Audit
  • Germany - IFAK, Naether Marktforschung and Respondi
  • Greece - Centrum
  • Italy - SWG
  • Poland - EEI
  • Portugal - Cemase
  • Russian Federation - VCIOM and Levada Centre
  • Slovakia - Median
  • South Africa – Hot Buttons
  • Spain - Eryba
  • Ukraine – DIAC
  • USA – Target Research Group

"I began to trust Wardle McLean almost immediately. They sensitively ask the difficult questions of the client and agency at the briefing stage. They addressed the various elephants in the room at debrief and helped us take our work to a higher level."

Marketing Director, Maple Leaf Bakery UK

Contact Us

Contact Us

Wardle McLean
7 Maidstone Buildings Mews
72-76 Borough High Street
London SE1 1GD

Tel +44 (0) 20 7993 6653
Mob +44 (0) 7966 460 352



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    Kevin McLean Lisa Morgan Judith Wardle Stuart Bolitho