Wardle McLean  - Maidstone Buildings Mews entrance, Borough High Street
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27 July 2024
Wardle McLeanContact Us


Wardle McLean
7 Maidstone Buildings Mews
72-76 Borough High Street
London SE1 1GD

Email: kevin@wardlemclean.co.uk

Tel +44 (0) 20 7993 6653
Mob +44 (0) 7966 460 352

Click here for a location map

From London Bridge Tube station (Northern Line & Jubilee Line)

  • Leave Tube station at Borough High Street Exit
  • Walk south down Borough High Street, away from the Bridge
  • Go past HSBC bank and war memorial until you get to TAS restaurants on the RIGHT
  • Maidstone Buildings Mews is the iron gates, between the two TAS restaurants
  • Buzzer on right hand side of gates, Wardle McLean
  • We are No 7 half way down the Mews, on your Left (Green doors)

From Borough Tube station (Northern Line)

  • Turn LEFT out of the Station, Cross Marshalsea Road, walk north up Borough High Street staying on left hand side
  • After about 200 yards you come to Tas restaurants on your LEFT
  • Maidstone Buildings Mews is the iron gates between two TAS restaurants
  • Buzzer on right hand side of gates Wardle McLean
  • Walk about half way down the Mews, we are on your LEFT at No 7 (Green doors)

From London Bridge Mainline Station

  • Walk down London Bridge Street, to the left of the Bus Station, past ALL BAR ONE, and PRET to the bottom of the road. Turn LEFT here to walk south down Borough High Street
  • Continue past the tube station and past HSBC bank and war memorial until you get to Tas restaurant/cafĂ© on the RIGHT
  • Maidstone Buildings Mews is the iron gates, between the two TAS restaurants
  • Buzzer on right hand side of gates, Wardle McLean
  • We are No 7 half way down the Mews, on your Left (Green doors)

From Waterloo/Eurostar station

    Either take a taxi (5-10 mins) or take the Tube two stops east on Jubilee line to London Bridge Tube station, then follow directions from LB Tube station.


"Clean, actionable results - hoorah. Their unequivocal recommendations were welcomed by the whole team, including the ad agency."

Head of Marketing, Virgin Trains

Contact Us

Contact Us

Wardle McLean
7 Maidstone Buildings Mews
72-76 Borough High Street
London SE1 1GD

Tel +44 (0) 20 7993 6653
Mob +44 (0) 7966 460 352



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